Debate: March 19, 16:00 @ARCUB (Arcelor Hall) as part of the Festival One World Romania 2018

On March 19, we invite you to the SOS debate: Informal living in Romania, within the festival of the International Documentary and Human Rights Festival One World Romania, to discuss, together with our guests, about the problems associated with informal living and the steps needed to solve them.

In the same space, between March 15 and 26, you can visit the photo exhibition „No Man’s Land”. The exhibition illustrates the daily realities of three communities of informal settlements (Reșița, Valea Corbului and Bumbești-Jiu), taken by Bogdan Dinca and George Popescu from

Here you can find more details about events.

Locuire Informală își propune să crească într-o bibliotecă de resurse care să ajute la o mai bună înțelegere a fenomenului de locuire informală, dar și la mobilizarea pentru găsirea și implementarea de soluții.

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